Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Reunification at Jln Kayu

A mini reunion that i had yesterday with good friends; a well deserved break for some and catching up session for others. It is funny how sometimes, its the little-est... littlest... littelest?? Kecik nak mampus! Its funny how sometimes, it is the SMALLEST things in life that you partake in that excite you; to invoke just that sufficient amount of ecstacy, blowing you into this little world of orgasmic madness. I am referring to the maggi goreng along Jln Kayu lah dey. Its crazy. They put ganja in it or something (if the media or the proper authorities are reading this, please dont quote me. Its a figure of speech and I only meant it metaphorically, duh). You can never be too safe these days.

So anyways, go try it. No taugeh, mata lembu, extra spicy.

"Aku cinta pada mu maggi goreng..."

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